Friday, April 29, 2011


While this week has been uber-productive in the little business called Couture Kidlets, I AM EXHAUSTED and my house looks the way I feel.  I am taking the weekend off to recoup normalcy in life!!  Hubby and 2 kids are gone this weekend...the teenager is NEVER HOME!! so that leaves me and the Jillster...hmmm...bedtime at 8:30 eh?? The website is coming along, hope to have it up by next weekend!

The house is in need of cleaning, the dishes are piling up, the laundry is too...and my craft room is a DISASTER!!! (and my blog WON'T let me upload a pic tonight!! AARGH)...needless to say my weekend off is going to be spent cleaning with a minor break to celebrate the bridal shower of my niece!! (congrats Jayme and Anthony)

Happy weekend to you and your something that makes you giggle and feel like a kidlet yourself, we all need that in life!

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