Friday, April 29, 2011


While this week has been uber-productive in the little business called Couture Kidlets, I AM EXHAUSTED and my house looks the way I feel.  I am taking the weekend off to recoup normalcy in life!!  Hubby and 2 kids are gone this weekend...the teenager is NEVER HOME!! so that leaves me and the Jillster...hmmm...bedtime at 8:30 eh?? The website is coming along, hope to have it up by next weekend!

The house is in need of cleaning, the dishes are piling up, the laundry is too...and my craft room is a DISASTER!!! (and my blog WON'T let me upload a pic tonight!! AARGH)...needless to say my weekend off is going to be spent cleaning with a minor break to celebrate the bridal shower of my niece!! (congrats Jayme and Anthony)

Happy weekend to you and your something that makes you giggle and feel like a kidlet yourself, we all need that in life!

Web Designer, I AM NOT...

With all the activity in creating the line of Couture Kidlet clothing and accessories and bows by Bean's Bows...HOLY SMOKERS IS THERE ALOT OF BEHIND THE SCENES going on...making business cards and brochures...creating display boards for Bean's Bows to go to the Pike Lake Rummage-o-Rama...and creating a webpage...AARGH!!! This stuff is NOT FOR ME!!! I have a site...There is NOTHING on it...but it lives out there in internet that is EXCITEMENT!!! :)


I may be grey by the time this is all up and running, but I am enjoying every minute of it!!

Stay tuned for the "grand opening" of our webpage!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE IT WITH YOU~!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Justin Bieber made me do it!!

As a mother of four, three of which are GIRLS, I have recently found myself humming or singing Justin Bieber songs around the house...YES...I am admitting that!! Today, again, was cold and dreary outside - however in the well lit craft room - Justin seemed to keep the mood light and lively!! My daughter and I hummed along, she helped coordinate fabrics and bows, and I created to my little hearts content.  I have several orders that have come in...thanks so much!!...and worked on those as well. Here are some of the newest Couture Kidlet sample items, some of which were Bieber inspired! :)

These are custom and unique so that your kidlet's blessed day can be as unique and beautiful as they are!

Check out the photos...we can make any theme you can come up with, so whatever your little kidlet is into can be made into a unique little outfit that is sure to turn some heads! Hats are coordinating and oh so cute!!

this can be made in any combination of fabrics...this sample is a size 18 month and is watermelon and seed fabrics! Note the close-up of the bows on the legs of the bloomers, and a matching
hairbow can be made if desired!

Other pictured items include: (top left to right)... Giraffe onesie romper with matching bow- identical smaller version of belt bow is included for her hair....shark onesie with shorts and hat (photos coming)...more beautiful natural colored hairbows...little swing dresses with bloomers and optional sunhats in coordinating colors that you request! These are orange and black print with an 80's vibe and the purple set is oh so sweet with matching sunhat!  close up of the hand rolled rosette and the super soft terrycloth ruffle & lace bibs!

Our samples are for sale as well as for custom ordering in your selected theme, colors or styles!  We aim to please and make your kidlets as cute as they can be!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ribbons, Buttons, and Bows.... OH MY!!

Well, today Mother Nature decided to skip spring again...GRRR! The cold weather and rain made me want to hunker down and not do much of anything...but I did manage to make a few more hairbows!!

I tried to think spring as I made fun little flowers in various sizes and colors!! Oh, it didn't make the weather any better, but it made me smile!  Flowers can be sold seperate or in pairs for pigtails, they are on clippies and can be added to elastic on request, or a hard headband as well...just let me know what you're looking for! I can cluster them and create them to match an outfit!

I am busy working on a few more bows and some flip-flops for an order that came in today!! YAY!!!

Hope you like my late night creations, I am sure that there will be more tomorrow...sleep is overrated anyhow...right??
If you havn't already, PLEASE click the link to our Facebook page and "LIKE" us!! let me know you saw us on our blog!!! Thanks!


Monday, April 25, 2011

My little night time affair...

A day in the a mother of four FABULOUS little kidlets (I guess some aren't so little anymore) 2 dogs, one old and one pup...a daycare provider, and a wife - I apparently don't have enough on my plate, so I am taking on the endeavor of beginning a little business of my passion and favorite pasttime...crafting! Today was a busy day...seemingly never ending, as it is now actually TOMORROW, technically speaking! Kidlets were crazy today, I think longing for the days when we can play outside all the time, without coats and wind that still has a bite to it!  Once through the loads of dishes, mountains of laundry, (which the dryer is somehow still humming in the room next to me) driving kidlets to and from soccer...everyone FINALLY nestled in their beds gave me some quality time with my glue gun.! I seem to have a little time set aside some evenings to spend some QT with little ol glue gun which in turn deprives me of sleep...ho hum!  Tonight, I created a plethora of little hairbows for cute little kidlets.  Getting ready to sell them at the Pike Lake rummage-o-rama this weekend.  I hope to start to let people know all about my little couture kidlets shop...which is currently on facebook, and soon up and running on etsy (some items are on etsy already)

I intend to keep this blog with info from the "business" end of Couture Kidlets, and thank you for reading...also I am sure you will get to know me, my kidlets, our REDICULOUS schedule...and all about my LOVE of crafting beautiful things for my kidlets and hopefully yours!

Please check out my facebook page with all my creative little morsels available for you to browse..."like" my page and share it with your friends...thanks!!